
Monday May 31, 2021
NEW RELEASE: Army of the Dead (2021)
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
It's a NEW RELEASE! And, it is Army of the Dead, now available on Netflix everywhere!
It's a zombie-heist-action-thriller. Sort of. We disagree maybe with every single one of those descriptions of this movie. Also, is it good? Did we have any fun at all? Who is Zack Snyder really? Why does he make this kind of movie and are dad's his chief demographic? We talk about all of that and more including all of our top 3 ZOMBIE MOVIES!
On a bittersweet note, Dom is leaving the shores of southern California to Atlanta, Georgia to make his way in the film industry. We are sad to see him go, but excited for his future. As he begins to make movies, we all wait in the wings to see what he can create. Stay tuned for the Adventures of Dom in the film world!
As always, find us at www.nyfmovies.com and email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and find all our socials HERE

Monday May 24, 2021
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: Dead Man‘s Chest (2006)
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
GUEST: Brett
Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps, you twice-cursed landlubbers! This here is the second episode in our franchise series covering THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN.
Joined are we by Brett, former co-host with Vito of the Carport Filmcast, as he sets sail with us to find Dead Man's Chest! As former shipmates, Brett and Vito go back aways and they finally come together on a new pod after 4 years apart.
The second entry into the franchise is a tricky one, maybe over long and maybe too gross? Aye, but excellent and amazing (says Vito) and stilted (says Jesse) leaving Mike the sailor in the middle. Come listen to our tales of nostalgia, and our attempts at breaking down this confusing yarn.
Thanks for stopping by! Find our other episodes at NYFMovies.com, email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and find our linktree with our all socials here

Monday May 17, 2021
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
GUEST: Chris!
Ahoy, mateys! We are settin' sail on a new franchise to open our third season of Not Your Father's Movies!
Arrrgh! We have much to share about these Pirates of the Caribbean: the good, the bad, the swashbucklin', the smoochin', the stabbin'! There be much treasure to be found in these movies, this podcast for sure. But there also be some dark times, bad omens as the series goes on.
Sail with us to the end of the world and over as we embark on our voyage with the first of these: The Curse of the Black Pearl!
For all your Pirates thoughts, be they law-abidin' or decidedly not, email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com, find our website at NYFMovies.com or our Linktree.

Monday May 10, 2021
MOTHER‘S DAY: Aliens (1986)
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Happy Mother's Day from all of us dads here at Not Your Father's Movies! We wanted to commemorate this holiday in honor of all those women who raised us, who married us, who raise kids with us, and who taught us how to be ultimate bad-asses.
Today, we are covering Aliens!
As a commemoration to everything amazing and brave about being a mom, we wanted to talk about possibly the ultimate Mom action character: Ellen Ripley.
Alien as a franchise means something to all of us, and Aliens in particular is such an incredible movie! We couldn't wait to talk about it and we mean it as a tribute to all those amazing moms out there who inspire us. You are all Ripley!
We talk James Cameron. We talk what maybe the movie means or doesn't. Is it cheesy? Is it awesome? Is the character of Ellen Ripley something for the ages?
We hope you enjoyed listening! Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com or visit our website at nyfmovies.com or find our Linktree

Monday May 03, 2021
THE 93rd ACADEMY AWARDS (the Oscars bro!)
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
The Academy Awards came and went last week and even though it drew less viewers than in many years past, NYFM was excited for it! Jesse sits this one out, and instead Dom comes in (from the Baby Driver episode) to weigh in on the wins and losses of the evening.
The Oscars are a big deal for us as a podcast, and as movie lovers in general. They serve as an important cultural standard but even still, we know even more than ever that the importance of the Oscars is in doubt. Where will they go from here? What will we see next year?
But before we discuss that, we have to talk the 93rd Academy Awards themselves and we get into not only the winners, but the live telecast itself! We discuss the Best Picture winner (previous episode!) We discuss Best actor, the most contentious award of the evening. We even discuss Best Original song guys. It is all here.
Find us at www.nyfmovies.com or email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com or find our linktree

Monday Apr 26, 2021
MISFITS & OUTCASTS: Cool Hand Luke (1967)
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
GUEST: ERIN from (sub)Text
The final episode of our Misfits & Outcasts series is here! It's Cool Hand Luke! To help us talk about this HUGE classic, we have on Erin from the (sub)Text podcast: (SUB)TEXT Literature and Film Podcast | Books, Movies, Plays, Poems (subtextpodcast.com)
Erin is a pro at dissecting and understanding complicated films and we have a ton of fun with her really taking apart Cool Hand Luke. It's a classic in many respects: an acting masterclass, an actual textbook on how to shoot a movie. But maybe, we find some pieces that don't quite work. Maybe the imagery? Maybe the direction? What even is at the heart of this movie? How many eggs can you actually eat in an hour?!
We answer all these and more. We also bid farewell to our Misfits and Outcasts series. It was fun for us (and chaotic) and we hope you all had fun listening. It was a labor of love and it is only with fond memories that we think of this series: hopefully, we will return someday. But we are excited for the road (or sea :) ahead.
As always, find us at www.nyfmovies.com or email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com or find our linktree

Monday Apr 19, 2021
MISFITS & OUTCASTS: Baby Driver (2017)
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Our fourth movie in our MISFITS & OUTCASTS series is Baby Driver! We are all huge fans of this and it was a blast to put the pedal to the metal and aim our sights on the horizon as we talk about this new classic from Edgar Wright.
What is Baby's deal with the music? Why is Buddy the big bad guy in the end, not Bats? How adorable is Lily James? What are our favorite needle-drops in the movie and why did so many of us see Fault In Our Stars in theaters? We answer all of these, I promise.
We also discuss how this fits in with the theme of our series as a whole, and have a good time doing all of it. Let us know what you think of Baby, of Edgar Wright, and your favorite needle-drops at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com or check out our website at www.nyfmovies.com and all our social medias here

Monday Apr 12, 2021
NEW RELEASE: Godzilla VS. Kong (2021)
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
It's lizards versus apes, and titan versus titan here this week on Not Your Father's Movies! We are tackling the new release movie that is taking the movie-going world by storm as it tops the box office, and for those of us with an affinity for giant monsters fighting, our hearts.
We discuss who made this scaly, bananas blockbuster (literally) and who has brought the Legendary Pictures Monsterverse in association with Warner Brothers Entertainment to our home screens. We also do a bit of a dive into the history of these monsters and where we found them: we were young in the '90s so this should not be any kind of mystery. Would we show this to our kids? Would we watch it again ourselves? Did we even like it? All this and more in a jam-packed extravaganza of a NEW RELEASE episode.
Find us at our website www.nyfmovies.com, email at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and find our social media links here

Monday Apr 05, 2021
MISFITS & OUTCASTS: Logan (2017)
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Welcome to the first official episode we have ever recorded live! This was super fun for us, and super stressful, and we managed to cram our normal show into 45 minutes, which was our live time slot. Then, we returned and recorded another 45 minutes of all the stuff we missed directly after. This episode puts the two together in chronological order. We hope you enjoy it.
This is a classic episode from us. We got cast and crew, we got favorite scenes, we got some broader societal context vis a vis westerns vs superhero movies. We even have some more nit-picky discussion regarding some moments in Logan that some of us took issue with. It is all here. This episode is one we ended up very proud of and we hope you enjoy it. Going live is scary but exciting, and we would love to do it more in the future!
Find us at NYFMovies and email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com with all of our socials here

Monday Mar 29, 2021
MISFITS & OUTCASTS--Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
SPECIAL GUEST: David from Seriously Pointless Conversations about Culture!
Find his episodes and social media here: S.P.C.A.C. (Seriously Pointless Conversations About Culture) (podbean.com)
Welcome back as we present our second episode in the Misfits, Outcasts and Loners series--Hellboy II: The Golden Army!
We thought that having a sequel as the number two slot in our new series is fitting as we return from the soul-searching of Nomadland to the metropolis again, battling ancient evils and fantastical beasts as Hellboy, Liz, and Abe Sapien (along with the entire BPRD) fight to keep our world safe from those who want to take it for themselves.
To help us tackle this discussion, we have on a very special guest: David from SPCAC! He is a fellow podcaster, and a comic nut who ranks Hellboy at the top of his favorites list. He breaks down some of the history of the character for us before we jump into this movie that has some nostalgia for us all. If you remember, we mentioned we were doing this one in Jesse's Birthday episode. Find that one here: Jesse's Birthday
Also, check out David's podcast as, this week, Vito does a good deep dive on the character of Hellboy both in the films and in the comics.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com, visit our Linktree, and go to our website NYFMovies