
Monday Mar 22, 2021
MISFITS & OUTCASTS: Nomadland (2020)
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Alright everybody, we are kicking off our new series: Misfits & Outcasts! In this series, we will be tackling movies that are about those that don't fit into society in a conventional way, but maybe find their communities outside the fringes of the places that rejected them, or that they rejected themselves. And what better way to do it than with Nomadland, the surprising hit that is a major player for the Oscars...and our hearts.
We ask questions like: would we be nomads? What would that even look like? How does this movie function as a time capsule? What is the true meaning and nature of Fern?
We cover a lot of ground, as always, but something must be mentioned. We recently changed mics, and as of this recording had not ironed the bugs out of it yet. The audio is not up to our standard, but we hope you enjoy it anyway!
Stay tuned at the end of the episode for some outtakes, as Jesse navigated recording in his car.
As always, reach out to us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and visit our website at nyfmovies.com
Find our socials here: Linktree

Monday Mar 15, 2021
LISTENER REQUEST MONTH: Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Guys, this is a Fantastic episode! And it’s about 2009’s family(?) movie, Fantastic Mr. Fox! It’s a good thing we could be so fantastic for this. Do you know what isn’t fantastic though? A mid-life crisis. It sucks. And we are here to talk about our un-fantastic theoretical mid life-crises. Also, was this a happy ending? We are fantastically contentious on that point.
So come one and come all and come big and come small to listen to a feast for the ears! Dads talking about fantastic kids and fantastic foxes. And, as we all know, dads and foxes go together like kids and opposums. I gotta stop writing this because I am pretty sure there’s a wolf behind me.
Email us with your thoughts or corrections or requests at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com our website at NYFMovies for all of your NYFM social media/podcast app needs.

Monday Mar 08, 2021
LISTENER REQUEST MONTH--Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (2018)
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
IT"S A BIG ONE! For our next episode in our LISTENER REQUEST MONTH, A momentous entry into the dad canon - Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. Guess that's a bit of a spoiler but c'mon - if you've seen it, you agree. 'nuff said.
This week Jesse took the webs and hosted our fan-favorite; hard to credit exactly where this one came from. This was our most requested movie both among our pod-family and outside of it, Into the Spiderverse has a big place in our hearts. We've been excited to talk about this one from the beginning, and we're so glad YOU, dear reader (listener?) were equally excited to hear us. Keep those requests coming!
We cover a LOT of multiverses in this one - talking about this movie, talking about it in relation to other super-hero movies, and Vito's unhealthy love of one of the MANY spider-people.
Is this the best superhero film ever?
Who is the best spiderman? Who is the WORST?
Which scene brought us to tears?
Find out in this episode!
Email us with your thoughts or corrections or requests at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com, our website at NYFMovies , and our socials at our linktree

Sunday Feb 28, 2021
LISTENER REQUEST MONTH: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Okay, so we are back to our LISTENER REQUEST MONTH, after taking a quick break to celebrate Jesse's Birthday!
This week, our request came from Madeleine who wanted to hear our thoughts on The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, a true western classic, with cowboys and robbers and cattlemen and an extended foray into the process of statehood. Also Jimmie Stewart and John Wayne. Did not wanna forget those guys.
For Mike and Jesse, this was a big one! For Vito, it was a brand new experience, but informed by a whole childhood of John Wayne and John Ford. What we all have in common is a deep love of the stars and the creator, but that doesn't mean we let everybody off the hook for some attitudes and ideas that haven't aged well.
As always, don't worry. We talk about it all!
Also Mike makes a truly painful Dad joke. I mean, groan-worthy. You need to hear it to believe it.
Email us with your thoughts or corrections or requests at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com, our website at NYFMovies , and our socials at our linktree

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Hello everyone! We are interrupting our LISTENER REQUEST MONTH to bring you a very special episode that we hope to bring you only 3 times a year: a BIRTHDAY episode!
The Birthday Episode's will be brought to you by the Birthday Dad, who creates the whole show around a theme that he has chosen. Jesse has crafted an episode about 3 movies he saw with his father: Gallipoli (1981), 3:10 To Yuma (2007) and Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008).
Included with a general goofing around involving those three movies, Jesse also asked us 3 questions; what scene in a movie makes you grab your kids and sit them down to watch it with you; what is a "Black Sheep" movie for you; and what genre of movie will your kids associate with you?
Stay tuned for a full-length episode on Hellboy II in the next month or so with a very special, first-time guest, and 3:10 To Yuma in a future season of NYFM.
Let us know if you enjoy this different kind of episode! It was a ton of fun for us to record.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com
Visit our website at nyfmovies.com
Find our socials and places to download in our LINKTREE

Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
You wanted it, you got it, this is Listener Request Month!
Our first episode of LRMonth is The Prestige, directed by Christopher Nolan and written by him and his brother Jonathan Nolan, released in October of 2006. This movie was requested by Mikhael!
This episode was really fun to record and also really fiery. Not since Spiderman 3 have we discussed a movie so intensely, and even disagreed! What can always be said about Christopher Nolan is he provokes discussion, especially passionate ones. To help us out, we are joined by Vito's brother-in-law Austin who weighs in adroitly and skillfully.
One note: this episode was recorded back in 2020 when we had first formulated the idea of a listener request month, so there are some moments that are out of context at times (YES WE HAVE SEEN TENET NOW: SEE OUR TOP 5 MOVIES OF 2020). Also, spoilers for Interstellar around 15 minutes in: keep an ear out if you haven't seen it.
Next Week: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance!
Thanks as always to Max Augros, the Death Rocker himself, for our incredible theme.
Thanks for listening. Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com. Rate, like, subscribe at our linktree
Find us at our website NYFM

Monday Feb 08, 2021
MOVIES ABOUT HOLLYWOOD: The Muppet Movie (1979)
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Do you like to watch people pretending to be characters with their hands? Well we are dads, so we do!
This is our final entry of our Hollywood series and we are ending it with The Muppet Movie (1979). We couldn't be happier with this choice to close things out. We are are all very attached to Muppets and we hope you are too. Come with us as we revisit this movie and the Muppets in general!
We hope you enjoy and please be sure to like and subscribe all the things, leave us a comment, send us an email, and check out our website at nyfmovies.com

Monday Feb 01, 2021
NEW RELEASE: The Little Things (2021)
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
We have a special review for The Little Things. Why? Because Denzel is in it and the trailer looked amazing!
The first half is spoiler free and the second half we discuss the whole movie (we tell you before we start spouting spoilers).
How does this compare to Denzel's other work?
How was the best performance?
Do we recommend the movie?
Is this a dad movie?
Finally, we speak about the movie generally and what we liked and didn't like about it.
Please like and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform here. Please email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com for any requests or comments

Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Our third entry in our series of Movies about Hollywood is La La Land (2016), the third film tied for most nominations in the Academy Awards...ever.
Which is nuts.
We talk about it.
To help us, we enlist our old friend Chris, and Lis makes a guest appearance as well! Turns out, everybody had something to say about Seb and Mia's relationship.
Unfortunately, nobody started singing and dancing.
We also discuss how this movie fits into our series as a whole and the differing viewpoints we see about Hollywood from Once Upon a Time, to Sunset Blvd. This is our third in this series: one more to go!
If you like what you hear, make sure you like and subscribe! It means a ton to us: Links!
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
This week, we're continuing Season 2 with our second episode of the Movies About Hollywood series. In this edition, we discuss the classic film Sunset Blvd. (1950).
What an episode this is.
Not Your Father's Movies loves to talk about how movies have affected us, and not just recent movies. We love to focus on those older movies that have stood the test of time and remained a classic to reach across generations. Judging by our conversation here, we think Sunset Blvd. does that beautifully.
Still, there's a lot that we end up debate about in this episode.
- Do these characters have hope?
- Who is the villain here?
- Can this ever truly be remade?
- Is this a Dad Movie?
If you like what you are hearing, then please like, rate, subscribe, do a little dance, and get down tonight. Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com or visit any of our social media pages here: http://linktr.ee/NYFM