
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
MOVIES ABOUT HOLLYWOOD: Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood (2019)
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Welcome to Season Two of Not Your Father's Movies! In our past season, we covered a new classic trilogy of movies, a trilogy from our dad's time, and one from our grandfather's time. This generational bridge is our identity as a podcast, and is fundamental to who we are as we started our show. Going forward, we hope to bring something new: what is next for us as a podcast and us as dads.
We are starting a new series: movies about Hollywood. These are movies about movies, specifically those made in Tinseltown. We have a classic film, a new and possibly controversial pick, and a movie that straddles the line while inviting its own controversy along the way. These movies represent the way forward for NYFM: always striving towards something new while never forgetting the classics.
In this episode, we talk about Quentin Tarantinto's 9th movie: Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood. This movie is not without controversy, but is also not without adoration. We attempt to talk about both while addressing some of the bigger, meta-narrative questions inherent. We are joined by JP, a cultural scholar who specializes in the 1960's, especially in music and pop culture history. He helps shed light on a few questions we all have.
Thanks for listening, and stay tuned to our very exciting new season. This is a season where we challenge who we are and what we are doing: hope you are in for the ride! Look for some surprise guests, and some surprise movies, on the way.
It is more important than ever that you like, rate, and subscribe on whatever platform you are using. We need to hear from you and YOU (yes, you reading this) are the best person to reach out and talk to us. Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com or visit any of our social media pages here: http://linktr.ee/NYFM

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Welcome to season 2 of NYFM! We are kicking things off with a Year In Review of 2020, the dumpster fire year that most of us suffered through in seclusion. In many ways, it seemed movies and TV shows were our only reprieve. This episode sees us unpack much of what we saw this year, and what we thought about it!
We cover a few different TV shows we thought notable: Vito heaps praise on the Mandalorian, Jesse forgets who is in Middleditch and Schwartz, and Mike laughs to death over Avenue No. 5.
Next, we mention some of the biggest, splashiest movies that came out this year: Wonder Woman 1984, Soul, Mank, Tenet. For some of them, the less said the better, and for others, we do our best to keep the conversation brief. Also, we discuss the difference between a mention and an honorable one as we also talk about Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, Palm Springs, Another Round, Lovers Rock, and Invisible Man.
We close with our top 5 movies of 2020, our collaborative list. I don't want to spoil the list here; that's for the episode. It's our sincere hope that even if you disagree with our rankings, you still give these movies your attention. They deserve to be seen and discussed!
Thanks for listening to this episode! If you like what you hear, check out our first season, and stay tuned for our new one. We have some surprises up our sleeve, and we can't wait to share them with you.
As always, if you want to talk to us, reach out at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com or check our social media here: http://linktr.ee/NYFM

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
CHRISTMAS EPISODE: Home Alone (1990)
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at NYFM!
We hope you enjoy this special, seasonal episode of our show. Usually, we try and stick to our special series, our slate of movies that are tied together by a theme, but every now and then, we do a special episode. And for our last episode of the year, we bring you Home Alone! A true time-honored classic beloved by us universally, even if it was an unknown first time for one of us (if you listen, I promise that sentence makes sense!)
We are taking it a little easier with this one, no heady concepts, nothing too complicated; we are just three dads having some holiday fun, and hoping we can bring a smile to your faces. We check in on Vito's tentacle situation, realize that Jesse still has things to discover in this movie, and learn that Mike has a trick or two up his sleeve.
As always, email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and find all our links for social media and places to listen here: http://linktr.ee/NYFM
Happy Holidays and a Joyful New Year to you!

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
AFTERMATH: Not Your Grandfather‘s Courtroom Dramas
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Here we are, at the end of another series, our third! We take the time to amend some of our thoughts, finally acknowledge Vito's physical deformities, and talk about all these courtroom dramas as a whole (including Trial of the Chicago 7). It was a blast talking about these meaty, important movies that still packed a lot of nostalgia and heart. We almost didn't anticipate what we were getting ourselves into with these important films. It was heady stuff but we were joined by several great guests along the way to give us a much-needed boost.
We will return to courtroom dramas at some point, but for now it is time to move on to a new year (goodbye 2020!) and only one episode remains in this season of NYFM. Stay tuned!
As always, if we got something wrong (likely) please email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and check out our socials and podcast platforms here: http://linktr.ee/NYFM

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
To Kill a Mockingbird is a timeless classic that concludes our series on Not Your Grandfather's Courtroom Dramas. What a ride it's been. From Spiderman, to Disney, and now some of the greatest movies ever on some of the weightiest subject-matter. Classism, racism, drug addiction, and sexual violence are all mentioned in this episode frequently. Nothing three dads can't handle right?
WRONG! We can't handle it.
To help us talk about this story which is way beyond our depth, we have Lis. She is a great guest on the show and frequently makes sure we aren't complete imbeciles. She taught 8th graders and has some great mom-energy, so a few dads shouldn't be that hard to handle right?
Stay tuned next week for our Aftermath episode where we talk about all the courtroom dramas we have done!
As always, write to us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and message us on our social media pages at: http://linktr.ee/NYFM

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Welcome to our second episode in our Not Your Grandfather's Courtroom Dramas! The film this week is A Man For All Seasons from 1966, about the life of Sir Thomas More and his infamous decision to die rather than to betray his beliefs and principles.
This one is very nostalgic for all of us as we all were raised with this movie in our homes, from an early age. We dig into some more historical context than usual, both about the making of the film and about Henry Tudor and his ascension to the throne. This one was more thorny and complex than almost any other movie we have done so let us know how we did!
It is also a big of a zag when it comes to courtroom dramas, as we leave American soil and American courts for a jaunt across the pond. We believe that A Man For All Seasons and 12 Angry Men stand shoulder to shoulder however, in both their quality and their surprising relevance to today. We discuss how this film has been rather forgotten and why, when something like 12 Angry Men seems primed for revisiting.
Stay tuned next week for our final episode in our unofficial trilogy!
As always, write to us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and visit our social media pages to interact with us there: http://linktr.ee/NYFM

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Introducing our new series: Not Your Grandfather's Courtroom Dramas!
In the next few episodes, we tackle three classic courtroom dramas from our grandparent's era, and the first one is 12 Angry Men. This film is influential for many reasons, whether it is the taut writing, the claustrophobic direction, or the impeccable production design, and we attempt to discuss as much as we can.
The first issue we tackle is the casting of the film, the characters, and we attempt to do our own fantasy casting. This was really fun for us, and a treat to talk about, because it also got us discussing what makes these individual jurors tick: whether it be justice, or fairness, or prejudice, or simply wanting to get to a ball game.
After a quick break, we dive headlong into the meat of the movie and its legacy. We discuss how the racial ideas at the heart of the movie, revolutionary for its time, inform us today, in the light of the recent protests and conversations about race writ large in America, and the world. As three dads, and our special guest, we do our best to highlight that conversation and contribute to it in some small way.
As always, we hope to entertain and inform you, our listeners. Our desire with this new series is to show the depth and range of our interests, and always strive to find another movie to add to the Hall of Fame! Keep writing us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and visit our links here: http://linktr.ee/NYFM

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
AFTERMATH: Disney Classics & Their Remakes
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Welcome to our first AFTERMATH episode, where we take our previous series as a whole, and share a few last thoughts, opinions, and observations before we put it to bed.
This AFTERMATH episode is on Disney animated classics and their remakes! We covered The Lion King, Cinderella, and 101 Dalmatians over the past few weeks, and while we had a blast talking about them, we had a few last thoughts. Thanks for listening to this episode, and we hope if you are joining us for the first time, it might pique your interest for the series that we just completed. And if you followed along episode by episode, thanks! We hope you want to hear us shoot the breeze for a few minutes.
As always, if you want to get in touch with us, you can always email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com
Also, check out our links here: http://linktr.ee/NYFM

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
DISNEY CLASSICS & REMAKES: 101 Dalmatians (1961 & 1996)
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Wrapping up our trilogy of Disney animated classics and their live action remakes, we have selected this perennial favorite (well...Vito's favorite) 101 Dalmatians! While older, we wanted to trace the history of these remakes back a little further than most people would have, and maybe shine a light on an almost forgotten, John Hughes-written remake that we might remember from our childhoods.
How good is Glenn Close? How many Dalmatians were there exactly? Do our children have a future reviewing movies? All this, and more, is discussed, bickered, and laughed over.
While this episode concludes our trilogy of Disney movies, we look forward to revisiting this topic at some point, as we are sure Disney is not done remaking our childhood favorites.
Please like, rate, subscribe, review, follow, and show us any love you can out there! As always, email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com
All our links are found here: http://linktr.ee/NYFM

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
DISNEY CLASSICS & REMAKES: Cinderella (1950 & 2015)
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
We are back on the trail of our Disney animated classics and their live-action remakes, after a two week, two episode break. It was fun to break out and do something different, but we have a series to finish. For our second entry, we have a slight curveball: Cinderella.
I say it's a slight curveball because, while the animated classic is always honored among the Disney greats, the live-action remake seems almost forgotten. Strange, as it is only five years old, and stranger still because in many ways, it is an exciting (superior???) update to a time-honored story. We wanted to highlight something old, some new, and something that could bridge every generation from our grandparents, to our kids.
Do both movies end up Dad movies? Or just one?
Please like, rate, subscribe, review, follow, show us some love out there! And, as always, email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com
All our links are found here: http://linktr.ee/NYFM