
Monday Aug 09, 2021
DETECTIVES: Knives Out (2019)
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Featured Guest: Letteney
For our final episode in our DETECTIVE series, we are so excited to cover KNIVES OUT! It blew our socks off when we saw it in theaters, and now 2 years later, it still has the power to awe us.
We talk about what role luck plays in being a detective, what the inevitability of truth means. Who has the best look? Is Benoit Blanc a better detective than Sherlock Holmes? Is Rian Johnson one of the most truly gifted filmmakers working today?
We answer all these and more as we dive headfirst, knives out and beaks bloody!
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and visit our website at www.nyfmovies.com and find all our social media links HERE.

Monday Aug 02, 2021
DETECTIVES: The Big Sleep (1943)
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Guest: Sirr from My Movie Fix Podcast
Is everyone ready for a nap? I know I am! What could possibly be more dad than a nap right? Well, here at NYFM we’ve got the biggest movie about naps: 1946’s The Big Sleep!
This third movie in our Detective Series brings us the gritty noir, the dark characters, the unexpected witty romance, wit, befuddlement, confusion, uncertainty, puzzlement, stupefaction, and heaps of perplexity. Who killed whom? What is the crime? What happens? We aren’t sure, but Sirr is guesting with us and he has the key and is here to light the way.
Also, listen as someone actually gets murdered on this very podcast.
Fun awaits!
Also, be sure to check out Sirr’s podcast My Movie Fix and browse his awesome cutting boards at https://sirrsfurniture.com/
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com
Visit our website at nyfmovies.com
And find our socials here

Monday Jul 26, 2021
NEW RELEASE: Black Widow (2021)
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Here we are with a NEW RELEASE! We have finally decided to cover a Marvel movie! It is our first and we are very excited to talk about BLACK WIDOW. The MCU is difficult for all of us in terms of how much time and conversation we devote to it, but this is a worthy entry.
The fights are thrilling, the women are liberated, the cars blow up!
Kidding aside, we hope you enjoy this conversation! It was a blast to have and we did enjoy the movie, despite having some reservations about the overall message of it.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com
Visit our website at nyfmovies.com
And find our socials here

Monday Jul 19, 2021
DETECTIVES: Zodiac (2007)
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Guest: Henry from Comic Sauce Podcast
Hello everybody and welcome to our second episode in our DETECTIVE series! Here we are exploring those movies about detectives that defined who we are and what we liked.
Zodiac belongs to one of the greatest years of movies, and our excitement to talk about it was only heightened by having Henry from the Comic Sauce Podcast on to join us! It was a defining film for Vito and a perennial favorite. Who was the real Zodiac? Who else was suspected? Did it involve day-old hot dogs? Join us to hear more!

Monday Jul 12, 2021
DETECTIVES: Fargo (1996)
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Featured Guest: Phil
Hello everyone and welcome to our new series: DETECTIVES! What is more "Dad" than movies about detectives: good guys tracking bad guys to bring them to justice?
In this series, we have chosen four of our favorite DETECTIVE movies and the first is Fargo from 1996 and even though it came out when we were all young, it looms large in our hearts. Come hear if we think it's a Dad movie; do we think it works as a good detective movie? Is Marge Gunderson the best person ever? Who is the Chaos Agent? What was Phil's first car (the head gasket was apparently BROKEN).
If you like what you hear email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com, check out our social media pages here and visit our website at NYFMovies.com

Monday Jul 05, 2021
Mid-Year Review!
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Hey everybody, this week we have a special episode. Jesse is out sick, and Mike and Vito needed to come up with an episode to do together. So we decided to pull back the curtain on the New Release episodes, which will be happening every month on the last weekend. We unveil every New Release movie that we will be covering every month through the end of the year, just in case anybody wanted to keep up with us.
We start with a nice wrap-up of the year so far, the movies we covered and the ones we missed. Listen back to our episodes covering THE LITTLE THINGS, NOMADLAND, GODZILLA VS. KONG, the ACADEMY AWARDS, ARMY OF THE DEAD, and IN THE HEIGHTS.
If you want to know what new releases we are covering, you gotta listen to the episode! Find us at nyfmovies.com or email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com

Monday Jun 28, 2021
NEW RELEASE: In The Heights (2021)
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Okay, everybody, we are tackling Lin Manuel-Miranda's new movie, based on his old musical, IN THE HEIGHTS!
It's got our hopes and dreams and love and it's got Piragua, it's got the Nina-Benny-Usnavi-Vanessa everybody had been demanding since the musical swept the Tony's and since the movie has swept HBO Max and theaters.
It's hot outside and we are all wondering about ambition and destiny and whether or not the coffee is light and sweet.
Hit us up at NYFMovies, notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com or our linktree

Monday Jun 21, 2021
FATHER‘S DAY: The Godfather (1972)
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there! And Happy Father's Day to us! To celebrate, we have the most dad movie we can possibly think of.
Not only is the movie universally revered, but we here at NYFM all give this movie a unanimous 5 stars. Also, can you think of a dad movie more dad than this? Because we definitely can't.
Join us as we discuss the family empire. The corruption of Michael (Yes, that Michael). The power and family of Vito (no, the other Vito). We also heap tons of praise on this movie and all discuss our favorite scenes in depth.
This podcast has a lot of murder, drama, mob violence, scheming, and intense talking. The movie we are talking about also has all those things, so it really worked out. If that sounds even vaguely interesting or if you just love The Godfather, then give this a listen!

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
SPECIAL GUESTS: LETTENEY and DAVID from Seriously Pointless Conversations about Culture
Matey's, did ya know that the Pirates of the Caribbean series has 5 movies in it? The last two, On Stranger Tides and Dead Men Tell No Tales, are roundly drubbed here.
Why two movies in one episode, ya might ask? Well, because these movies are terrible. So terrible, that we couldn't bear the thought of having to dedicate one whole episode on each of them.
We discuss how much we don't like these movies, ARRGGHH. We discuss how much they make us hurt inside. How much we despise good music because of these poor souls. We also discuss the series as a whole! Our favorite Jack Sparrow, our favorite villain, and our favorite movies in the series are some topics we debate, ya know, in a friendly fashion!
Even if these movies are terrible, this episode is one of our favorites because all us scallywags had so much fun doing it. So strap in and listen to an ol' fashion poop slingin' fest!

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Ahoy, mateys! Set sail with us on a voyage to the end of the world to rescue witty Jack! It's At World's End!
On this third voyage, the pirates unite under the call of the Brethren Court to raise Jack, free Calypso, foil East India Trading Company, lick brains, marry Will and Elizabeth, and set sail again as the franchise starts anew.
At least, so was their plan.
Were they successful? Did they do all these characters justice? What was the year 2007 like? How many actual franchises began that year?!
For all these questions and more, listen to the scuttlebutt this NYFM crew trade back and forth over grog. Find our other episodes at NYFMovies.com and our socials HERE and reach out to us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com