
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Mike‘s Birthday!
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
We have come all the way around here at Not Your Father's Movies, with the third dad-father getting his birthday episode. And, as a surprise to everybody, Mike has chosen ZOMBIES as his birthday topic! Jesse had movies he remembers with his dad, Vito had the beauty of choreography, and Mike has chosen those brain eating beasts that defy logic but also get under our skin: the Undead!
We are principally discussing 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead, and Train to Busan, although we avoid major spoilers for all of those, and we branch out into a larger discussion in general. Are these Zombie movies DAD movies? What is so interesting and engaging about them? What's the philosophy, besides watching the undead get wrecked?
Listen to us answer all this and more!
Find us at www.nyfmovies.com, email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and find our socials HERE

Sunday Oct 10, 2021
HALLOWEEN SERIES: A Quiet Place Part II (2021)
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Featured Guests: Letteney and Dom
Come listen to some dads and friends all be the opposite of quiet in this episode as we talk about 2 Quiet 2 Place.
Listen 2 Jesse, Mike, Letteney, and Dom argue about this movie! Some of us really like it, some of us don't really care about it 2 much. Vito is once again not able 2 join us because he was 2 loud and got eaten.
We talk about so many things! Is this family stupid? Why are they doing anything they are doing? Just how dad is this movie? What does it mean 2 be a dad if you don't have kids anymore?! Also, Radioshack?
Time 2 turn down that volume and get 2 listening or else you get eaten like Vito.
Email us with your thoughts or corrections or requests at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com, our website at NYFMovies , and our socials at our linktree

Monday Oct 04, 2021
HALLOWEEN SERIES: A Quiet Place (2018)
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Featured Guests: Letteney and Dom
Come join us this week for a very quiet podcast in which we whisper all our thoughts....
Kidding! We'd all totally be dead in the apocalypse. Just like Vito, who unfortunately was unable to join us for this episode. Way to go man.
BUT, starting out our new HALLOWEEN-themed series we're talking about A Quiet Place, from 2018. Jim Halpert's - sorry, John Krazinski's - first foray into horror alongside his real life wife, Emily Blunt, was a surprising success in the box office and a really fascinating new entry in the apocalypse-horror genre; and more importantly, showed dads everywhere that only in an apocalypse will they finally have silence.
What do you think, is this the daddest dad movie that ever dadded? YOU MAY THINK YES, but does everyone?
Now SHHH!! Find a partner, share your headphones, and motion at strangers to listen to our episode! Whatever you do though, don't make a sound...
Find us at www.nyfmovies.com, email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and find our socials HERE

Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
We have been talking about dad movies for a whole year! Woohoo!
Come celebrate! The hosts spend a few minutes talking about the show and the past year, then we have guests from past episodes! All here to talk about dad movies. Their conversations are all time stamped below.
We have: Lis, Letteney, Sirr, David, Brotha Dave, Chris, Max, and Dom
QUESTION 1: The question we've all been waiting for. WHAT. IS. A. DAD. MOVIE?
Jesse & Lis: 22.53
Jesse & Letteney: 24.32
Vito & SIRR: 31.24
Vito & David: 35.23
Mike & Brotha Dave: 39.57
Mike & Chris: 45.19
Vito & Max: 57.31
Vito & Dom: 1.13.51
What movies do you associate most with your father? What do you hope your kids will associate with you?
Jesse & Lis: Mom Movie: 1.21.20
Jesse & Letteny: 1.25.13
Vito & Sirr: 1.28.28
Vito & SPCAC: 1.35.55
Mike & Brotha Dave: 1.45.00
Mike & Chris: 1.56.35
Vito & Max - 2.10.08
Vito & Dom - 2.21.28
What movie that you've seen in the last couple of years qualifies as a dad movie - and, if you could choose any movie to do an episode on, what would it be?
Jesse & Lis: 2.31.04
Jesse & Letteny: 2.34.01
Vito & Sirr: 2.38.46
Vito & David W: 2.45.33
Mike & Dave: 2.48.41
Mike & Chris: 2.56.41
Vito & Max: 3.02.39
Vito & Dom: 3.04.38
This is a LONG episode and as there tends to be, we had some Epic Tangents - and we can't just throw them away! We know that's the real reason you're here so STAY TUNED for the end of the episode to find out...
and much more.
Thank you, dear listener, for listening. We're so excited for what the next year will bring.

Sunday Sep 19, 2021
MODERN WESTERNS: Tombstone (1993)
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Featured Guest: Isak
Surprise! We have one more MODERN WESTERN for you all! It's Tombstone from 1993 and we are joined by one of the movie's biggest fans: Isak!
Unfortunately, although Isak gets to come on and talk to all of us about his love for Tombstone, Mike was not able to join us this week. We soldier on without him though, hitching up our horses and bringing hell with us as we chase down the myths and legends of the West.
Join us on our final episode of MODERN WESTERNS and tell us what you think by emailing us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com, visiting our website at nyfmovies.com and visiting all of our socials HERE

Monday Sep 13, 2021
MODERN WESTERNS: True Grit (2010)
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Featured: Liz
Get cozy in your bear skins everyone! It's a wild ride!
Ever wondered what a bear man is like? Or what happens to your chest when you die and there are snakes around? Or whether gritty dudes are actually heroic? Or whether white-hat cowboys are heroic? Or what's up with everlasting arms theme? Or what the role of small children do to grown men? Well, in this here True Grit episode, we talk about most of that.
Liz joins us as a special guest and elevates our episode to new heights as we explore all these fascinating characters.
Please sit your butt down and give this a listen! Maybe occupy a jakes for while. Go ahead and download and spread the word, we won't serve you with a writ of replivin.
Ever shtalwart!
Find us at www.nyfmovies.com, email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and find our socials HERE

Monday Sep 06, 2021
MODERN WESTERNS: 3:10 To Yuma (2007)
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Featured: Letteney!
Returning to the well of Jesse's Birthday episode, we are covering 2007's 3:10 To Yuma! Jesse had a fantastic story to tell about this movie in that episode, and you should go listen to it, because unfortunately he is not here for this recording.
We talk about revisionist westerns, we talk Russell Crowe vs Christian Bale, we even talk about who is the most dad actor!
This one was very special for us as we get to cover yet another movie from 2007 that touched us all in a big way. We hope you enjoy listening.
Find us at www.nyfmovies.com, email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and find our socials HERE

Monday Aug 30, 2021
NEW RELEASE: The Green Knight (2021)
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
For our NEW RELEASE episode for the month of August, we are reviewing THE GREEN KNIGHT which came out in the last weekend of July!
Don't ask, we didn't pick the date it came out, we only knew we had to do it.
This episode is a first for us, as we all felt very strongly about how to read and interpret the events in this strange retelling of the classic Arthurian legend. We felt so strongly, we even end up shouting, pounding, and generally wrecking the studio. What can we say: great art changes those who see it. We hope that, despite the debating, we are still fun to listen to!
Visit us at NYFMovies.com , email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com or visit all of our socials and interact with us HERE
Don't forget to like, subscribe, and rate us on whatever platform you listen to us on. We really appreciate it!

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Vito‘s Birthday!
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Featured Guest: Letteney
Happy Birthday Vito!
Following Jesse's wild and wonderful Bday episode back in February, Vito's birthday is up next.
You want to know what he picked, don't you?
You want to know what's in this episode, what has Vito been thinking about for the last six months in preparation for this episode?
What could he have possibly picked?
Just listen.
Answer our question to you all at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com or our SOCIALS or visit our website at NYFMovies.com

Monday Aug 16, 2021
MODERN WESTERNS: Unforgiven (1992)
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Our first episode in a new series about dudes racing horses. Surprisingly, it’s not a Seabiscuit series. We are here to talk about MODERN WESTERNS!
Shockingly, we argue about things in this one. Mostly about HOW bad people are in this movie. Some of us think some characters are bad and some of us think they are REALLY bad. We also talk a whole lot about subversivity, Clint Eastwood, Bobs, and so much more. Also, what does it mean to “put a pin in it”? Listen to the end to find out!
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and visit our website at www.nyfmovies.com and find all our social media links HERE.