
Monday Oct 24, 2022

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
How did we get here? The same way the coin got here!
We start this part going over the 2007 oscars! What won and what we think should have won. Then, we talk deeply about these movies and what on earth we think is going on in them. Last, we bring out ye ol' dad questions and ask whether these are all dad movies/a dad series.
This was a honest and interesting discussion for all of us. We hope you enjoy it.
Happy Birthday Mike!
Also, please check out Sirr's Furniture! He produces some amazing pieces of woodworking and we can personally vouch for the quality of his work. Check out his website at https://sirrsfurniture.com/NYFM or his Instagram for more pictures of his work.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and be sure to check out our twitter @NYFMovies and follow us on Instagram. Please consider joining our Patreon if you want to support us and you like what you hear! You can find our website at www.nyfmovies.com and any and all other links HERE.

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Howdy partners! Come join us along the trail as we keep talkin' 'bout these here 2007 cowboys.
This time we are covering our favorite scenes of al 3 of these movies! The outlaw Jesse immediately starts arguin' 'bout coins and cats. Then, we hunt our likes and dislikes all all three of these movies.
Things get interestin' here as we try to dive more into No Country for Old Men. Normally, things don't get this deep this fast, but it happens here.
We hope y’all enjoy yourselves now.
Also, please check out Sirr's Furniture! He produces some amazing pieces of woodworking and we can personally vouch for the quality of his work. Check out his website at https://sirrsfurniture.com/NYFM or his Instagram for more pictures of his work.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and be sure to check out our twitter @NYFMovies and follow us on Instagram. Please consider joining our Patreon if you want to support us and you like what you hear! You can find our website at www.nyfmovies.com and any and all other links HERE.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Hello! And greetings from the very serious birthday boy who picked these incredibly serious 2007 western movies!
We got some big, big movies to cover here, so listen up y’all. We are continuin’ our new episode format. With this episode, we cover some cast and crew for these here three legends. We also got some mighty meaty nostalgia comin’ your way. I reckon you ain’t capable of handlin’ this here nostalgia.
The followin’ couple weeks you can ‘spect these here mighty dark modern western movies to continue. We will dive in head first to these murky waters and try to make heads or tails out of any of it.
We hope y’all enjoy yourselves now.
Also, please check out Sirr's Furniture! He produces some amazing pieces of woodworking and we can personally vouch for the quality of his work. Check out his website at https://sirrsfurniture.com/NYFM or his Instagram for more pictures of his work.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and be sure to check out our twitter @NYFMovies and follow us on Instagram. Please consider joining our Patreon if you want to support us and you like what you hear! You can find our website at www.nyfmovies.com and any and all other links HERE.

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Friends and Neighbors, we return this week to the land of magic and mayhem, the land of large creatures and even larger victories, we return one final time into the mind of the great, the inescapable, the indefatigable Steven Spielberg!
This is the moment you've been waiting for, the pinnacle, the finale, the whole purpose of this series - are JAWS, JURASSIC PARK, and THE BFG fit to enter the halls of the DAD CANON? The answer may move you, it may surprise you, it may threaten you - but we pray that you will stick through it to the end. You've gotten this far, my pretties. Don't give up now.
We'd love to hear from YOU about your thoughts on our new format, what we missed, or anything else you want to comment on.
We'll be taking a short break after this and are very excited to return with a whole new series in October! Until then, be well!
Also, please check out Sirr's Furniture! He produces some amazing pieces of woodworking and we can personally vouch for the quality of his work. Check out his website at https://sirrsfurniture.com/NYFM or his Instagram for more pictures of his work.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and be sure to check out our twitter @NYFMovies and follow us on Instagram. Please consider joining our Patreon if you want to support us and you like what you hear! You can find our website at www.nyfmovies.com and any and all other links HERE.

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Friends and Neighbors, what's better than a whole new approach and a whole new series? NO IDEA when the episodes are going to drop! That's right, this was definitely on purpose. No it wasn't, we're busy/lazy people and today is the earliest we were able to publish. Sorry.
THIS WEEK, we bring you back to the land of MOVIE MAGIC, the land that was discovered, built, and perfected by the one, the only - Steven Spielberg. That's right, we're going back to JAWS. Going back to JURASSIC PARK. And going back to... the BFG? Well, two and a half out of three ain't so bad.
This week, we're talking about what we like, what we LOVED, and what we're kinda meh about. CHECK IT OUT!
We'd love to hear from YOU about your thoughts on our new format, what we missed, or anything else you want to comment on.
Be sure to check back in NEXT WEEK for Part 3! Thanks as always for listening.
Also, please check out Sirr's Furniture! He produces some amazing pieces of woodworking and we can personally vouch for the quality of his work. Check out his website at https://sirrsfurniture.com/NYFM or his Instagram for more pictures of his work.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and be sure to check out our twitter @NYFMovies and follow us on Instagram. Please consider joining our Patreon if you want to support us and you like what you hear! You can find our website at www.nyfmovies.com and any and all other links HERE.

Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Friends and Neighbors, we come to you bearing glad tidings of great change. Small change. Well, some sort of change. With this next series, we're trying something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT with the formatting - instead of breaking up the episodes by movie, we're breaking them up by conversation.
Here, for our inaugural series of the new NYFM format, we have: STEVEN SPIELBERG CREATURE FEATURES! The films we are talking about here are Jaws, Jurassic Park, and Roald Dahl's BFG. That's right! Two of the biggest movies ever made, and a 'Oh, that one?' Wait and see, dear listener. Wait and see.
We will be spending the next three weeks talking about everything we normally talk about here, but allowing some of the larger conversation to flow freely between and among the movies. What do we talk about? WHO! WHAT! WHERE! HOW! WITH! OTHER STUFF!
We'd love to hear from YOU about your thoughts on our new format, what we missed, or anything else you want to comment on.
Be sure to check back in NEXT WEEK for Part 2! Thanks as always for listening.
Also, please check out Sirr's Furniture! He produces some amazing pieces of woodworking and we can personally vouch for the quality of his work. Check out his website at https://sirrsfurniture.com/NYFM or his Instagram for more pictures of his work.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and be sure to check out our twitter @NYFMovies and follow us on Instagram. Please consider joining our Patreon if you want to support us and you like what you hear! You can find our website at www.nyfmovies.com and any and all other links HERE.

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Dan’s Birthday!
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
It is Dan's First Birthday Episode!
In case you thought Dan was a normal, chill dude, be ready for some surprises in this episode. He chose to discuss two very strange, existentialist movies. The 2009 film by Jaco Van Dormael, Mr. Nobody and the 2013 film by Denis Villeneuve, Enemy. These are wild, intense, very adult, and our conversations are just as wild, intense, and somewhat adult.
We dive into what the heck existentialist means, whether you have to like a movie for it to impact you in a meaningful way, and other light-hearted topics.
We hope you enjoy this discussion and beware spoilers!
Also, please check out Sirr's Furniture! He produces some amazing pieces of woodworking and we can personally vouch for the quality of his work. Check out his website at https://sirrsfurniture.com/NYFM or his Instagram for more pictures of his work.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and be sure to check out our twitter @NYFMovies and follow us on Instagram. Please consider joining our Patreon if you want to support us and you like what you hear! You can find our website at www.nyfmovies.com and any and all other links HERE.

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Vito’s Birthday 2: The Thing
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Here is Vito's Second Annual Birthday Episode!
Last year, Vito wanted to cover choreography, both with musicals and fight choreography. And to cover that, Vito picked The Raid, The Raid: Berendal, and All That Jazz.
This year is totally different.
The discussion this year is computer generated images versus practical effects. Basically, we are using The Thing (1982) and The Thing (2011) to compare and contrast the two different approaches to special effects.
We hope you enjoy this discussion and beware spoilers!
Also, please check out Sirr's Furniture! He produces some amazing pieces of woodworking and we can personally vouch for the quality of his work. Check out his website at https://sirrsfurniture.com/NYFM or his Instagram for more pictures of his work.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and be sure to check out our twitter @NYFMovies and follow us on Instagram. Please consider joining our Patreon if you want to support us and you like what you hear! You can find our website at www.nyfmovies.com and any and all other links HERE.

Monday Aug 08, 2022
CAR MOVIES- Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
NSFW: Crude jokes and language (except one of Mike's F-bombs are bleeped out for some reason. Why? Because I am mediocre.)
This episode is so chrome. Its so shiny.
Actually, it ain't shiny at all. Vito is under the weather, Jesse is sick as well, Dan's library ran out of wifi, and Mike read the word "Imperator" wrong. Its a strange episode and I love it. We have an amazing discussion about this insane action movie that is one of the most entertaining movies of all time.
We hope you enjoy the finale to the Cars Series! Is this a dad movie though? Or is it just mediocre?
Also, please check out Sirr's Furniture! He produces some amazing pieces of woodworking and we can personally vouch for the quality of his work. Check out his website at https://sirrsfurniture.com/NYFM or his Instagram for more pictures of his work.
Email us at notyourfathersmovies@gmail.com and be sure to check out our twitter @NYFMovies and follow us on Instagram. Please consider joining our Patreon if you want to support us and you like what you hear! You can find our website at www.nyfmovies.com and any and all other links HERE.